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From Editorial: Happy New Year 2021
Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity

One of the real joys of this moment is the opportunity to wish everyone the very best for the New Year 2021. 2020 will be a year seared in all our memories as the Covid-19 pandemic has brought so many changes and challenges to our lives. On behalf of Universitas Diponegoro, we are thankful for the support and the rewarding experience shared with our faculty staffs and students even in this unfavorable condition. We are looking forward to experience more with renewed energy in 2021. Please stay safe and stay productive!

Editorial Team: Ambariyanto; Denny Nugroho S; Dessy Ariyanti; Diana Nur Afifah; Ahmad Ni’matullah Al-Baarri; Utami Setyowati; Wuri Sayekti. Office: Widya Puraya Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof Soedarto SH Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275. Email: kankat@live.undip.ac.id

2020 Undip’s Academic Collaboration Program

Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) intends to expand the academic collaboration with international academics and practitioners.  This program is set to improve the quality of education and learning process as well as providing an international perspective and different experience for the students. In addition this academic collaboration is aims to improve quality of publication and research network for researchers. The collaboration offered many activities such as visiting professors, visiting lecturers, joint supervision, thesis examiners, joint research, joint publications, and keynote speakers for international conferences. The collaboration form is in this link: 
For more information please contact our office: kankat@live.undip.ac.id

JKSA Webinar Series on Chemistry as part of World Class University program

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Mathematics held an international webinar series that presented five international speakers. It is as a commitment of Universitas Diponegoro to implement the program of World Class University. The webinars were held from August to December 2020 month wise. The webinars discussed several topics in chemistry such as flexible crystal and metal-organic framework (by Dr. Jack Clegg from University of Queensland), biologically sensing catalysis (by Prof. David G Churchill from Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), DNA templated nanowires (by Dr. Benjamin Horrocks from Newcastle University), relaxation behavior of polymer chains and interfacial engineering (by Prof. Keiji Tanaka from Kyushu University), a frustrated Lewis pair solution to a frustrating problem (by Dr. Rowan D Young from National University of Singapore).

Webinar on Green Industrial Parks

The webinar was held at the end of July 2020 as a collaboration between the Postgraduate School and the Ministry of Industry, Indonesia. The speakers Dr. RB Sularto, S.H., M.Hum, Prof. Dr. Ir. Purwanto, DEA., Ignatius Warsito (Director of Industrial Park, Ministry of Industry), and Haryanto Adikoesoemo (President Director of PT. AKR Corporindo) were discussing the positive impact on developing the Green Industrial Park.

Furthermore, the development of a green industrial park and the implementation of green industry concept can create an efficient and environmentally friendly type of industry. In order to works in efficient manner, the green industrial parks (KIH) must be planned and designed in the earliest stage of the industrial park development.

The essence of the green industrial park is the synergy between industries and the formation of a green industry network. In KIH, business actors jointly improve their environmental, economic and social performance through environmental and resource issues. In addition, areas that have not been designed into the KIH concept require commitment from industrial estate managers to prepare green industrial park designs properly. The design of the KIH must be based on a number of measures of general supporting needs and facilities such as the availability of electricity, water, easy access to transportation, integrated waste management installations, waste recycling, workshops, industrial research, and education and training for workers. The development of KIH also requires cooperation between fields and industrial parks to build a symbiotic mutualism to improve environmental performance as well as economic benefits.

Academic Collaboration in Architecture and Urbanism

Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro in collaboration with several partner universities, organized online academic collaboration toward sustainability and survivability in Architecture and Urbanism in the event of ​The 4th International Conference on Architectural Design and Urbanism​ (4th ICSADU) 2020.​  The 4th ICSADU was held online from September 11th to October 30th 2020 by using Zoom Platform. The theme of the webinar with ‘WING’​ (local W​isdom and heritage, In​clusive design and Green building).

The event consisted of several webinars, guest lecture, joint publication among the organizer and discussion. Fourteens professors joined the event, they are Prof Junne Kikata, Prof. Almantas Samalavicius, Dr. Nurul Syala, Dr. Atiek Suprapti, Dr. Budi Sudarwanto, Prof. Tomohiko Yoshida, Prof. Takehiko Otsuka, Dr. Wijayanti, Dr. Eng. Bangun Indrakusumo, Prof. Dr. Ing. Junichiro Tsutsumi, Dr. Acharawan Chutarat, Prof. Dr. Erni Setyowati, Dr. Eddy Prianto, CES, DEA, and Dr. Agung Dwiyanto.

Invention by Undip’s Researcher in The COVID-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of life. Likewise, public service by the local government as well as graduation ceremony cannot be conducted as in the situation before the outbreak. This condition encourage Undip as one of the leading research university to make innovation using technology and developing knowledge.

By the innovation of Undip’s researchers the medical robots, graduation robot, and the Zeta Green air purifier were developed. The medical robots were created to reduce contact between medical personnel and patients  with COVID-19, that can be functionalized to deliver food, medicine and other needs. It is currently in use in some of government’s hospitals. The graduation robot used at online graduation to replace the physical presence of the graduates. As the needs of Semarang Government to the service robot, Undip through CBIOM3S research center is now working on the service robot for daily office service. As well as the Zeta Green air purifier produced by Center for Plasma Research that can be used to eliminate viruses, bacteria and fungi and is able to inhibit the spread of disease caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Innovation in Renewable Fuels from Food court Liquid Waste

The depletion of fossil-source energy and the side effect in using one to the environment, leads the innovation to the production of renewable fuels. One of the innovation initiated by three students from Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro is to produce renewable fuels from food court liquid waste. This project was supervised by Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiasa, ST., MT. Food court liquid waste was chosen as a raw material due to it contains fats, oils, and high fatty acids. These compounds can be converted into fuel through several methods. The one used in this project is transesterification and catalytic cracking method using natural zeolite. In the future, this innovation is expected to produce high quality substitute fuels that will be able to become an alternative solution for energy scarcity and environmental pollution problem in Indonesia.

Undip Dominates the 2020 National Unmanned Fast Boat Competition Championship

Universitas  Diponegoro once again achieved a resounding accomplishment with the work of students who won the National Unmanned Fast Boats Contest (KKCTBN) 2020 which held at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This time 4 Teams from Naval Architecture Engineering won four Champions in various categories in competition with 44 public and private universities throughout Indonesia. For category I, the HYD Lotus Team won 1st  place in the sub-category of the Autonomous Hospital Ship Innovation Design Competition. Meanwhile, the HYD Light Team won 3rd  place in the Autonomous Ambulance Ship Innovation Design sub-category. The CA2PROJECT team won 1st  place in the sub-category of the Ro-Ro-existing passenger accommodation space layout re-design competition. For Category II, the HYD-Blue Lotus Team won 1st  place in the sub-category of Electric Remote Control (ERC) Fast Boat with Remote Control.